Saturday, February 12, 2011

early morning ponderings

1:45 am
I am awake - again
I went to bed before Steve got home from his hockey game
I knew it was a mistake,
but I was tired and bed was warm. 
...and it was nearly midnight.
I love that he enjoys hockey 
and that it gives him good exercise and comradeship with the 'guys;
but the ice time they get is often late
If I go to sleep - or nearly go to sleep... and then am awakened
I am done.
the edge is off and I am awake. 
Oh well, I am never too tired the next day
like I used to be when I was younger
and I do eventually go to sleep (and tomorrow is Saturday :)
So I check my mail and Facebook and The Homeschool Lounge
...and then here I am - pondering and writing
Lately I have taken up the challenge offered at
to write 750 words a day.
I have made it 10 days!  Thats good for me!
Kind of neat to be challenged to write the equivalent of 3 pages a day
interesting where my thoughts go while meandering through memories 
and thinking about what to write about.
It was easier today than 10 days ago
I am getting in the 'groove' I suppose
a fun challenge to myself.
Here at our house we are in the heart of winter
but now that is February, the end feels more in sight.
The groundhog came and went the other day
but whatever his prediction was, it is irrelevant here,
If he predicted a long winter - 6 more weeks - then yea~
That would be short for us
If he predicted a short winter - ha I know better than that
I'm hoping for very little snow left by the end of March
We'll see - what I do know is that spring comes
it always does, because God promised that it would
For now, in these days of cold
I have to keep focused on finding the beauty 
...and to tell you the truth it isn't that hard.  
it is beautiful
and if you could have seen the big smile on my sons face tonight
when he came home from the ski hill, then you'd have seen
the most beautiful part.
big smile, rosy cheeks, good stories.
So let it snow - open the flood gates of heaven :-)

sleepiness is returning - off to bed with me

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh what a beautiful morning....

Painfully cold windy winter day in Wisconsin!!
Beautiful bright sunny February day in Wisconsin!!
Today God is reminding me that it's my choice how I see things.
In Tom's devotion we talked about how it's up to us to be
optimistic or pessimistic
I know that, but I don't always remember that
Am I looking for the good in:
winter days...
or am I determined to find the faults
It really is painfully cold, below zero outside
It is also windy and bitter and hostile
not really fit for spending any time out there
unless you really bundle up
It is also bright and beautiful
The sun reflects off of acres and acres of white snow
the wind picking up the loose snow dust
and swirling it around; creating drifts and beauty
I tend to stop at the cold and ignore the beauty
That isn't what God asks of me though
Whatever is true, whatever is honest
...just...pure...lovely...of good report...
of any virtue...
worthy of praise...
think on there things
God made this winter day
so it is worthy of praise
and undeniably lovely
so I will see its' beauty
and marvel at the God who brings beauty
to everything
When I asked Hallie Ann the other day
(in a definite moment of pessimism)
"what exactly is there to like about winter?"
she answered honestly (and optimistically)
"what is there not to like?"
and then to rub it in
she went on to list one after the other -
all the things she loves about winter
She has it right
you have to take the time to find the good
I could make a list to oppose hers
but what would that do 
except add to my discontent
instead I will list the lovely
and dwell on those
and will teach myself
through the loving hand of God
to find the beauty
and love winter
because it too is the handiwork of God